This is a financial literacy blog intended for school kids, beginners and rural youth

Friday, June 5, 2015

Purpose of the blog

While writing in an educational magazine 'Jadan Ghadan' about Financial Literacy, I came to know that many of our youngsters know how to use the internet & mobile but they don't know how to draw a cheque or a demand draft, how to open a bank account, how to use ATM safely, where to invest, etc. 

Even in cities there are many youngsters who are just scared of the words 'money', 'finance', 'investment', etc!!

While conducting sessions on Financial Literacy for Vidyadan Sahayyak Mandal (VSM), I realised that there are many students of India who are bright but can't afford even basic education! Such organisations are helping students for their basic need & right of education. 

However, what will happen when they will start earning money? they won't know how to manage the same!! I know that there are many such students, teachers, youngsters in India who are deprived of this basic understanding of money just because they have never seen it!!

Then I thought of sharing my knowledge to the extent I can...Though I know that any aggregate knowledge that one may have, it always remains on the top of the ocean...

Since many students may not be experts in English, I have tried to write in small & simple sentences which may also give them practice of English reading.

In short, the purpose of this blog is nothing but "Sharing"

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